What is PR and Media Management?

The world of PR and media management can be a confusing one. People often get in touch because they know they need PR to help with their business reputation, but they often have to ask ‘what exactly is PR and media management?’

The answer isn’t always straightforward. PR and media management takes many different forms; from straightforward media relations through to crisis management and employee relations. We must get to know the company we’re working with thoroughly to ensure we’re able to use the right tactics for them.

We thought it might be useful to take this opportunity to break down each element of PR and media management to give you a better understanding of what is likely to suit your company.

Media Relations

Media relations is all about how you are portrayed in the media. It’s about recognising a story (or creating a story or a stunt), writing a press release and making sure you have great video or photos to go with it and sending it out to the relevant journalists.

It’s about building your brand and your reputation over time through a series of well placed, well-written articles.

There is a skill in recognising a good media story. And in some cases, engineering ‘stunts’ to ensure you get the name of your company out in the world of the media.

Many stories need something that journalists can ‘hook’ on to. This could mean merely telling a story at the right time. For example, great events a care home is putting on for an Open Day because the topic is getting coverage in the news at the time.

Internal Communications

Internal communications is all about ensuring you have effective communications in place on the inside of your business. We often see companies who neglect this, and they are usually suffering as a result.

Some of your biggest advocates and storytellers should be your employees. But to help them shout about what you do, they need to be happy and well informed about what’s going on.

Internal communications can be as simple as letting staff know about new policies and procedures, to upcoming events and making sure they know who their first aider or HR manager is.

If your staff feel informed about what is happening in their place of work, they will feel included and a part of the bigger picture. This results in them feeling more invested in what they’re doing and can feel proud of where they work. The knock-on effect is that they shout about you to their friends. This helps with visibility, recruitment, reputation and many other things.


Crisis Communications

The words ‘Crisis Communications’ sounds catastrophic, but it is anything that has the potential to damage your company’s reputation.

Over the years, we have dealt with many crisis communications issues, ranging from social media complaints through to employees being charged with serious criminal offences. Ultimately, how you respond to any of these things will have a bearing on how your stakeholders and customers will view you.

We always advise our clients embarking on a positive PR strategy to consider crisis communications and integrate it into their organisation.

Public Affairs

Public affairs and lobbying are all about building relationships between your company and politicians/the government. It’s about getting decision-makers to listen to you so you can be at the forefront of influencing change.

Social Media

Social media is basically real-time PR and is now an essential part of any marketing strategy.

Traditional PR, while still very effective, is slow. You have to be patient to attain excellent results but shouting about your company on social media is instant. If you do it right, you can reach thousands of people every day. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., etc., etc. are your own personal platform where you can post anything you like… within reason!

It’s great for finding media opportunities and social media influencers. You can also launch fantastic campaigns across many platforms! But a word of caution… things can go wrong as quickly as they go immediately on social media – you need to be prepared for every eventuality.

Digital Public Relations

The new kid on the block – the disruptor!

Digital public relations has changed the entire platform of PR and opened up the playing field. It helps to build your vital online presence, improves your SEO and helps your brand authority by establishing trust and raising awareness.

In order to do it properly, you need a clear digital public relations strategy that defines your goals and what you’re trying to achieve.

Every day, there are over three and a half BILLION searches on Google… you need to be able to stand above the noise, and digital public relations is the way to do it!

Want to talk PR and media management? Just pick up the phone or send us an email!

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