Digital PR

What is Digital PR?

Digital PR is a strategic approach to public relations that takes traditional methods of public relations, like brand awareness and authority, and applies them to online situations. It generally involves creating shareworthy content that entices a journalist, blogger or influencer to post about or cover it online. When executed well, digital PR can be an incredibly valuable tool for businesses of all sizes but particularly for small businesses or startup organisations that need a little extra help cutting through the noise.

What sets our Digital PR apart?

  • We blend decades of traditional PR experience with digital PR techniques to bring your business online
  • Each client is unique. Therefore, our digital PR campaigns are customised to suit the specific needs of your business
  • You’ll benefit from having a single point of contact for all things related to digital PR
  • We work with you, not for you. After all, your business is our business so collaboration is key
If you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, contact us today for a free review of your digital PR needs.

Our approach to Digital PR

We can use our digital PR strategies to help your business get seen online by improving:

Brand awareness and reputation

A strong digital PR strategy can help your business reach audiences they may not be able to reach with traditional PR alone. This can help you convey the messaging you want and build a reputation you’re proud of.

Traffic to your site

By earning coverage online, your business can benefit from increased traffic to your website(s). This, coupled with engaging and informative content, will cement your position as an authority in your sector, driving future sales and enquiries.

Search engine rankings

Digital PR can also help to improve your position in search engine rankings by enhancing your website’s SEO, meaning that potential customers or service users can find you with ease.

Chat to the Digital PR expert – Lizzie Grover-Hinds

Lizzie is the go-to person when it comes to digital PR. With over five years’ experience Lizzie has the know-how to make sure your backlinks deliver the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much will it cost?

The cost of creating backlinks can vary widely based on several factors. If you’re considering implementing a digital PR strategy for your business and need some extra support planning or delivering a creative digital PR plan full of big ideas and share worthy content, then get in touch with one of our experts today.

Link building, synonymous with PR for SEO, involves aiding brands in enhancing organic reach and visibility online. This tactic, an art and science, secures backlinks from trusted sources, boosting SEO and elevating search engine rankings. It gauges a website’s value through the number of quality links it accumulates. Various strategies, like outreach and content creation, diversify and maximise backlinks for your business across different outlets and websites:
  • Social media: Posting to social media platforms and forums such as Reddit can help drive traffic and pass value to your webpage through backlinks
  • Content marketing: Creating high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience is one of the best ways to attract natural links from other websites
  • Guest blogging and features: Earning the opportunity to post guest content on other websites can not only show that you’re authoritative enough to be featured in top titles but can provide the opportunity to get a backlink to their site when being credited for the piece. It’s a win-win.
Link building, done with skill, is an effective way to boost SEO efforts and increase website traffic. This can be done through the following:
  • Signalling to search engines (and arguably more importantly, users) that your site is a trusted and authoritative source by receiving links from other sites. It also allows users to find what they need with minimal friction, increasing the likelihood of them buying a product or using a service
  • Increasing the traffic being driven to your site through increasing visibility in search engine results
  • Improve brand awareness by getting your brand’s name and URL in front of a wider, more relevant audience. This could include potential new customers, partners and investors who have seen you on their preferred websites and platforms!
How can we get help with backlinking?
PR has been on a bit of a journey. While traditional PR certainly has its place, link building and PR for SEO can be transformational for your online presence. It can also be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is an essential part of any successful SEO strategy. By implementing a variety of link building and PR strategies, a website can improve its ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs), attract more traffic, and grow its business. If you need or your business would like support on how to be more visible online through link building or PR for SEO then get in touch with one of our experts.
When is the right time to use backlinking?
Backlinks can be beneficial for SEO at various stages of your website’s development and ongoing strategy. Here are some key instances when using backlinks is particularly advantageous:
  1. Website Launch: Introduce backlinks as part of your initial SEO strategy when launching your website to establish a foundation for search engine visibility
  2. Content Creation: Incorporate backlinks when creating high-quality and relevant content. This helps search engines understand the context and authority of your content
  3. Link Building Campaigns: Actively engage in link-building campaigns to acquire backlinks from reputable and relevant websites. This boosts your site’s authority and improves search engine rankings
  4. Website Updates: Whenever you update or add significant content to your website, consider adding or updating backlinks to maintain relevance and context
  5. Competitor Analysis: Identify opportunities to gain backlinks by analysing the backlink profiles of your competitors. Seek similar or better-quality links to improve your SEO
  6. Ongoing SEO Strategy: Continuously monitor and refine your backlink strategy as part of your overall SEO efforts. Regularly audit and update backlinks for optimal performance
Keep in mind that the quality of backlinks plays a pivotal role. Concentrate on obtaining links from authoritative and relevant sources to bolster your website’s credibility in the eyes of search engines.
What is the difference between traditional PR and digital PR?
We have a blog which explores this very topic, check it out here.

Digital PR insights…