Why isn’t my video getting any views online?

You’ve spent hundreds (let’s be honest…probably thousands if you’ve done it properly) on a video for your business but no one is watching it – WHY??

It can be so frustrating and I’m really hoping you’re reading this BEFORE you’ve commissioned your video, not after as there are several things that you could/should do before your video gets anywhere near your website or a social media post… here are our tips to help you get maximum views on your latest video:

1.     Plan/Plan/Plan and tell a story.  The majority of work for a successful video should be done BEFORE a camera is even picked up.  You need to make sure you know exactly what message you’re trying to get across and STICK to that one message.  It’s easy to get confused if you’ve got too much going on and if you’re passionate about what you’re talking about, it’s instinct to what to cram as much in as possible.  Don’t.  Be smart.  If you have more than one or two messages to get across…you might want to think about more than one video.

So now, let’s assume that you’ve done all that and your video has been loaded on to your website and to YouTube – why isn’t anyone watching it?

 2.     People have no idea it’s there!!

One of the easiest ways to get around this is to share, share, SHARE on social media.  Use all the platforms you have from Twitter to Facebook to Instagram to LinkedIn.  Within your post, make sure you post a link to your video landing page.

Another way to go about getting the word out is to include a link to your video in your company newsletter so all your clients can see it.

Make sure you send an internal email to all staff and encourage them to share it.

AND make it easy for them to share it.  Send the link and ASK them to like, comment and share your video and make sure that you have enabled social media sharing buttons on to your website so it’s easy at every step of the way to spread the word about your new video.

3.     Are you giving something back to the viewer? 

For a start, if you are selling your product, then it’s very likely to be a bit (a lot!!) boring.  You really need to tell a story and be a bit more clever in your approach.

People upload HUNDREDS of hours of video to YouTube every single minute so your video has to be special.  As I mentioned, you need to tell a story or give an answer to a question (or both).

4.     Have you optimized your video?

A LOT of people still don’t do this but if you don’t get the SEO part right…you’re fighting a losing battle.

Make sure you are:

·      Naming your video well.  A good title will help your ranking on search engines and help you to build a strong brand and channel.    Make your title stand out and draw people in.  It needs to grab attention and spark curiosity.

·      Describing your video well.  The description gives the viewer vital information about what they’re watching and what you’re trying to achieve.  You can add links to other videos here and even guide people back to your website…use your words wisely.

·      Tagging.  YouTube reckon that tagging is one of the best ways to get your video ranked in their search results.  Tags help people to find your video so add relevant keywords.

5.     Disable advertising features.

You have such a short amount of time to capture your audience and reel them in so depending on what features you have enabled, YouTube might insert an ad or an advertising banner and put people off/distract them from your carefully made production so where it’s possible, disable advertisements so your viewer can focus your content.

And of course, that’s why we’re here!  We can plan, film, edit and market your video for you… just get in touch to find out more.

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