5 Tips For Creating Effective Landing Pages

Having landing pages that capture attention and consistently turn clicks to conversions is an essential part of Digital Marketing. It can be frustrating if you know your services are A1 and you have spent considerable time optimising your PPC ads, but you are not getting the response you expected. With our quick and easy to follow steps, Conteur can help you hold that attention right to the end.

  1. Get straight to the point

Having a clean and organised design with clear navigation is essential in keeping people focused. You know why they are here, so use that to your advantage. Clear Headings, Bullet Points and Short Videos keep your page scannable and attractive. An often-overlooked step with SEO in mind, is additional information below the “fold”. That way visitors can scroll down for more information if they choose to, and you can fill this area up with all your juicy keywords. Whether they are looking for a coat or a marketing campaign it is important that all elements of your landing pages work together with the end goal being your visitor has what they want and a conversion for you.

Top Tip: Add an accordion FAQ for a sleek visual impression but maximum info.

2. Trust is the glue of life

Use trust signals. Trust is built with consistency and you must indicate to visitors that your brand is consistently trustworthy and effective.  There is no greater power then word-of-mouth so testimonials and endorsements from past clients or customers are very effective. Trust badges, like the ones on a soldier’s uniform can show achievement and recognition so do not be scared to brag. Even Likes or Shares are a subtle form of endorsement from social media or other sites.

3. Inclusivity is Key

Having a landing page that is easily navigated across all devices is essential. Nearly 30% of all web activity comes from mobile. With people’s attention spans becoming shorter in this digital age having a page that is fast loading, and ultra-clickable can increase conversions rapidly. During your promotion campaign it is likely you will be getting traffic from several different sources. If you really want to up the personalisation, customizing your landing pages for each audience is fantastic. A visitor that arrives at your landing page from a LinkedIn post is quite different to a visitor from a link from your monthly newsletter.

4. Keep information gathering to a minimum

Your natural instincts as an online marketer are to collect as much data as you can from customers. This can help your CRM campaigns and help you understand your clients better. However, as always when it comes to your landing page, less is more. Only ask your visitors to fill out forms when it is absolutely necessary. The more you ask of your visitor, the less chance you have of them completing the desired conversion.

5. Test, Analyse, Adjust

Finally testing and tracking results is the only way to see what your landing page is doing right and what it is doing wrong. Test, Analyse, Adjust and test some more!

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