Happy New Year!

As we head into 2022, this marks a really exciting time in the life of Conteur. We are in a period of growth and expansion and as Business Development Manager, I play a huge part in growing our business and team.

This is a new role in Conteur and it’s also a new role for me. I have worked mainly in media/publishing since I graduated in 2004, so to move into the agency side is a new but very exciting challenge.

This year the Conteur team will explore opportunities in sectors that haven’t been focused on before. We would like to partner with organisations that fall within education and travel, as well continuing to expand our health and social care portfolio. As I have useful experience working within the travel industry, I am hoping to use these skills to source and bring onboard clients from these exciting industries.

Working within the other sectors is an opportunity for us all to broaden our client portfolio and expand on the vast expertise within the team. I have used my first two months at Conteur to familiarise myself with our long-term clients who sit within the health and social care sector. I have also been developing  a marketing plan to help us source and build relationships with potential new clients and partners.

Over the coming months you will see changes to our website and social media channels, as we seek to build on our growing portfolio. We are very excited about what is to come for Conteur, as a company we are looking for more talented, dynamic and enthusiastic people who buy into our culture of providing excellent service while having fun. If you think you have something you can offer us by way of your skills and experience, please send us an email.

I will be popping back regularly to update you with all the goings on here at Conteur, but I will also be joined by my wonderful colleagues who will be bringing  you insightful PR, Video and Digital/Social Marketing tips and information.

If there is anything specific you’d like to see from us, please email us or send us a message on social media – you can find us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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Company number – 07820619 | VAT registered – 173 1798 85
Conteur © 2024

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